Our YSA Institute president lives in Sledd Hall, which was built in 1929. She graduated this week and we went over to take something to her, first time we had been in this quad area. There is a feeling of history that comes with these beautiful old buildings.
All that to say, they are also beginning to build quite a few new apartment buildings - amazing what they can do with a huge crane. As we mentioned before, any new buildings or dorms that are built on campus are built to look like they are old.
This young lady from our YSA recently decided to try her hand at some sketching in her spare time, which she has very little of - and has discovered a new talent. Reminds me of Krishelle and also of Darlene Wilson who would do the pencil sketches when she was working on the election board. I still have one of her pictures, but it is home. Anyway, you never know what hidden talent you might have .. dare try anything. These are a couple of her first pictures.
Another of our YSA, Rachel Harvik, did this piece for the churches 11th International Art Competition. The pictures do not do it justice, but wanted to post it anyway. The theme:
"I will remember the works of the Lord; surely I will remember thy wonders of old. I will meditate also of all thy work, and talk of thy doings." - Psalms 77:11-12
The Garden of Eden is at the top, the bottom is Eve giving the apple to Adam. The gold plates/Book of Mormon are in the middle, the tree of life is at the bottom. It is pretty amazing. We hope you will soon see this in the Ensign as one of the winners.
You can see the Book of Mormon better in this one. The apple is in the diamond like box between.
The artist at work.
Speaking of artwork - this fancy bread was at the Whole Foods Market opening. Looks pretty real .. we think that is why they cut it so you could see it was bread.
Early morning fog on our way to the Institute .. this is not common here
Just in case you hadn't heard ...
Our very good friend Jesse Tolley graduated with his PhD in Physical Therapy. This is a great Florida Gator graduate picture.
Jesse and Samantha doing the Gator Chomp in front of Albert & Alberta Gator.
Another good friend, Kyle Sol also graduated with his master's degree. This is the family we visited in Key Largo who took us down to Key West. Kyle already has a job by Washington DC.
We thought it wasn't a cardinal - but it is -
We spent a great day with Ben and Darlene (Ramsey) Wilkinson who live in Bostwick Florida and this time went over by the ocean - Beautiful!!
Ben & Darlene (Ramsey) Wilkinson
For those of you who know Glen Stratton. Glen's dad, Ramond, and my dad, Lorum Ellis, are brothers. The shadow box at the bottom was put together by Glen's grandson showing his service in Korea. Glen's First Air Cav insignia is the same as Mike's from Viet Nam, above.
President Packer taught: "For some reason, we think the Atonement of Christ applies only at the end of mortal life to redemption from the Fall, from spiritual death.
It is much more than that. It is an ever-present power to call upon in everyday life. When we are racked or harrowed up or tormented by guilt or burdened with grief, He can heal us.
While we do not fully understand how the Atonement of Christ was made, we can experience the "peace of God, which passeth all understanding."
Touch of the Master's Hand - Ensign, May 2001
We are so, so very grateful to be able to serve and are grateful for all of your prayers for the missionaries wherever they are.