Monday, October 1, 2018

10/1/2018 - Clouds, BYU & UF, Some Pictures, Covenants

 It wouldn't be a blog without a cloud picture ..
 Kind of fun .. though certainly not the same as BYU, we have become UF fans.  One of our speakers for the devotional series has tickets given to him in his business.   He says he is through sitting in the hard seats when he can watch it from home and so he gave us very good tickets for the Homecoming Game on November 3rd.  We're excited about being in the "Swamp" for the game and also excited to watch the UF marching band.
Thought we better put in some pictures that showed us with the YSA instead of  just the places we visit so you would know we really were serving a mission.
Our current zone.  Only the elders on the left of Mike and the sisters by me are assigned to the UF and Santa Fe campuses.  The two on the right are in our zone but are in a family ward.
 Jeff we met the first month we were here at the inter-faith progressive dinner. He took the lessons for a while and all of the missionaries went with his Knights of Columbus (Catholic) group to a service project and he drops by when he can.   We enjoy him and he has become a good friend.  
 Elder Waite and Brother Cardim (pronounced Car-Zheem), substituting for Brother Janson.
 Bo, Josh Jones and Mike.  Josh is a returned missionary, headed to BYU-I in a month.  He is a great young man and fun to be around.  Good teacher and very fun personality.
 Connor Smith, also a good friend, went with us and a couple other YSA's to see Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dream Coat.  We were trying to get a picture of the big beautiful tree with no Spanish Moss, and the big open lawn it is in - but it didn't work.
 The Saturday of transfer calls, we have dinner at our apartment for the missionaries.  It is fun to hear them laugh and talk about some of their experiences.  We have them tell about something they have learned this transfer, or share a scripture - it is always a great evening.
For those of you from Snowflake area, the missionary on the right above and below is a new missionary, Elder Brimhall from Taylor, Arizona.  His parents are Kevin and Daphne Brimhall,  his grandparents Larry and Helen Brimhall.  His trainer, Elder Burt on the left was trained by Elder Whittle, grandson of Billy Jo and Rhonda Hancock.  Wonderfully small world.  
 Connor Smith (with us at Joseph) taught me how to do a power point and we finally got one of those "clickers" so Mike could move the pictures as he needs.  Mike organizes the lesson and gives me a list of pictures and quotes he needs. The internet provides us with good pictures and I'm sure Heaven provides us with lots of help.
 Elder M. Russell Ballard of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles shared how we gain power through keeping our covenants:  "Sometimes we are tempted to let our lives be governed more by convenience than by covenant.  It is not always convenient to live gospel standards and stand up for truth and testify of the Restoration .. But there is no spiritual power in living by convenience.  The power comes as we keep our covenant."  (May 1999 Conference Report) 
We are looking forward to conference this next week.   We are so very grateful for the restored gospel and what it has meant in our lives.  Love ya'all.

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