so first, more Manatee - we forgot to post this picture showing the needle fish swimming above the manatee. Nobody seemed to know why, only that when the manatee come into the springs, the needle fish show up. They don't touch the manatee, just swim above them.
This is a stock photo, but it shows a manatee surrounded by little fish which are eating algae, parasites and dead skin. Sounds pretty disgusting, but the manatee and the fish seem to be enjoying the trip to the beauty salon.
This announcement came out online here - The Florida Gators will be using the Michael Jordan logo, which is is owned by Nike and used to promote the Air Jordan brand of sportswear. Also of interest, University of Florida basketball team is now ranked second in the SEC. It is not against the rules for senior missionaries, so we might try to catch a game.
The first Gender Neutral bathroom we have seen. It was at the theater where we saw The Greatest Showman. The theater we went to also had chairs that recline, feet up and everything. It must have been a pretty good movie because I didn't even sleep. (One of our YSA's said that when they remodeled at her work, they kept the Men's and Women's but added a couple of Gender Neutral.
At many road work sites, and it seems there is road work being done everywhere, a world of orange and white barrels. Anyway, there are piles of what looks like sawdust by color, but is sand.
The theme of our Zone conference, held in Jacksonville. It is taken from 3rd Nephi when the Savior blessed the children one by one. The picture is one our children grew up with and still is a favorite. Our time here is like Alma 32 and the seed. We know the seed of the gospel is good because it is "delicious" to us and "it swelleth and sprouteth and beginneth" or continueth to grow. It is not a perfect knowledge, but our faith has increased. We are grateful to have the health to be able to serve.

Gainesville Florida LDS Institute Building. You can see on the right the yellow bar that leads into the parking area which is under the classrooms. Our office is one of the windows at the left top. It is great, we go from our garage to the Institute garage.
and we have our own parking spot.
Our apartment - Asbury Park Apartments. The garage isn't very wide, but it opens into our kitchen, we have no complaints!! We also have good windows and a skylight, so plenty of light.

A couple of the missionaries from our area who are headed home, one serving in the YSA, had to have a ride into Jacksonville, so we took them. Elder Hornfischer liked words, had a 1971 (the year Mike and I met) unabridged Webster's dictionary he gave to Mike before he left. He had picked it during his mission.
At Jax airport
This is the Jacksonville skyline as you cross the St. Johns River, not sure what the big rusted piece of equipment is, but zoomed in so you could see it.A poem we like by Carol Lynn Pearson:
This radio set called prayer
Is designed for remarkably simple repair
When it is not working
There is no doubt
Which half of the set is out.

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