Lots of pictures this time -- probably more interesting than my chatter. The week seems much more exciting when we live it than when we write about it.
There are more reasons to go to the Skechers store than just shoes. These free gumballs are the best ever. One lady filled her pockets and after tasting them, I see why.
We do love like this tree that is just across from the Institute Building. There are many old, big, spread-out branch ones throughout the city, but this one is the very best.
The ant hills are interesting - more oval than round like they are at home .. Not sure why -- any ideas? Wikipedia says that some species actively sculpt the materials into specific shapes. Looks like Gainesville Florda has talented ants.
We do enjoy their signs - the road department must have a good sense of humor .. this was at a dead end road in one of the developments.
They have a Farmer's Market each Saturday - this was back from the first week we were here. It is only a few miles from our apartment. Mike always thought a Farmer's Market was inexpensive produce. However, this is mostly unpesticide grown, probably very good, but far from being inexpensive. There are a lot of fun shops too, and many booths where people bring their goods - from produce to clothing to jewelry and on and on .. Everyone, those with the goods and those attending are fun and friendly.
We wish Aaron Michael was here for this booth - many, many different kinds of cheese.
The missionaries use this sometimes when they go on campus. It does have some pages in it that they can talk about. Kind of fun - and always brings questions.
The nativity set that Taylor & Heather's Madelyn Marie made. She did one a couple years ago out of duct tape. She is quite an artist.
Many of you will know Brent and Dana Wainwright. They invited us to their home for Christmas Eve dinner. We enjoyed them and their family and more southern hospitality.
We see boiled peanuts advertised everywhere, but this is the first time we actually tasted them. Some of the missionaries really like them, some not. Everyone should try them. We are on the fence right now. They boil them in salted or Cajun flavored water.However, we are not yet ready to try deep fried alligator tail bits. The consensus is that the taste is good, just kind of rubbery in chewing. Not sure if we will ever weigh in on that one.
This picture for David Stratton. Huge Financial center in Orlando.
We had a Christmas dinner for the missionaries in our zone. They all do very well - and are fun to be around. Elder McMullin - the Zone Leader, a talented viola player and Elder Birch who is as tall as our Christmas tree.
The Sister Training Leaders - Sister Eberhart and Elwell.
Three of the Elders - Elders Masino, Jengh and Kautai. Elder Masino said it was fun on campus this last week even if he didn't understand much. They met up with several Chinese students (usually the international students are the only ones left on campus during a holiday) and after a few brief introductions, when Elder Jengh said he was from Taiwan -- the rest of the conversation was in Chinese. Elder Kautai is Tongan from Texas.
Our sister missionaries - Sisters Studdert and Beecher.
You can see that along with being a great missionary, Elder Masino is also very talented --Elder Hornfischer's Root Beer over Rocky Road ice cream.
Tune in next week for our big trip to Crystal River to see the Manatees. It has been unseasonably cold here - the coldest since 1989 - so the manatees come into the springs where the temperature stays about 74 F year round. It was pretty amazing.
We are grateful for our testimony of President Monson and are certain he continues to serve where he is. We are also grateful for the mantle that falls now upon President Nelson, who is much loved in Europe. He was very instrumental in opening Russia for the gospel.
In May of 1993 he was at a conference in Saratov where he met with church members, and individually blessed each of the children who were in attendance. President Reshetnikov, a very dear friend, posted this on FB of President Nelson holding his daughter, Sasha after he had blessed her.
When Mike was working on the history of the Church in Saratov, President Reshetnikov, District President when we got to Russia and later sustained as the first Stake President when Saratov became the third stake in Russia, took us to all of the buildings they had met in, twelve since 1993. The one below, location #2, The House of Teachers, where the Russian Saints met on the top floor from 1993 through 1994, is where President Nelson blessed the children.
A fun story to close: Many years ago Art Linkletter (who most of you won't remember) had a TV show called "Kids Say the Darndest Things." He was interviewing a young LDS boy, probably about eight, and asked him what church he belonged to. "I'm a Mormon." the boy replied. "So," asked Art Linkletter, "what would you be if you weren't a Mormon? With only a slight hesitation the boy answered - "I'd be ashamed."

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