Julia, our second counselor in the Relief Society Presidency put these together for the three fathers in the Branch Presidency - President Davis, Brother Brown and Elder Waite, and our High Council Representative Brother Loosli. Reminds us of something Krishelle would do.
They have the myrtle here like we do at home - they are all over and are beautiful. They are often used in the landscaping in the center dividers of the roads.
But none so beautiful as our myrtle at home
Our garage door is pretty narrow. If both rear view mirrors are out on the car, there is about
2-3" on either side. It rarely happens, but if I have to go somewhere without Mike, he carefully directs me out, and, when I get back, I park outside and he drives in.
President Lee has all missionaries at their half-way mark and as they finish the mission go to the temple. We take the ones from the Gainesville area. On this last trip, we met two elders from Arizona, first cousins, one from Flagstaff - Elder Call, and one from Taylor - Elder Whittle. Their grandmother, Ronda Hancock, is a year older than I am, we grew up together. Their grandfather, Bill Hancock, became the banker in Snowflake and he was the one who gave me the loan for my first car, a chartreuse and white 1955 mercury I bought from my cousin, Ted DeSpain. Both these elders go home this transfer. We are grateful we got to meet them.
You will just have to imagine chartreuse and not quite so shiny, purchased the summer after college when I moved to Oregon to live with Gramp and Gram Hakes and teach school. Amazing memories.

You have to wonder how a cloud gets a hole in it.
I remember a song that our California neighbor at BYU, Jack Reeves, used to sing .. "Oh it never rains in sunny California, I heard some people say, that it never rains in sunny California, as they swam past my house the other day...." All to say, that is the same thing that happens here -- but the Florida Chamber of Commerce calls it "liquid sunshine."
President Packer - the Light of Christ

"The Light of Christ existed before you were born (D&C 29:23, 29-30) and it will be with you every moment that you live and will not perish when the mortal part of you has turned to dust. It is ever there. Every man, woman and child of every nation, creed, or color - everyone, no matter where they live or what they believe or what they do - has within them the imperishable Light of Chris.In this respect, all men are created equally. The Light of Christ in everyone is a testimony that God is no respecter of persons (D&C 1:35).
It is important for a teacher or a missionary or a parent to know that the Holy Ghost can work through the Light of Christ. A teacher of gospel truths is not planting something foreign or even new into an adult or a child. Rather, the missionary or teacher or parent is making contact with the Spirit of Christ already there.
President Harold B. Lee adds and gives hope to those struggling with wayward family members or friends - "That light never entirely goes out ... unless we commit the unpardonable sin. Its glow may be so dim that we can hardly perceive it, but it is there for us to fan into a flame that shall burn brighter with understanding and with knowledge."
We are grateful for our testimonies, and work to continue fanning that flame. Love to you all.
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