BYU-H Enactus team wins USA National Exposition
Enactus is one of the organizations at BYU-H that David Stratton works with. Students from 180+ schools came to Kansas City to participate in the USA competition. "Enactus is a global nonprofit organization that challenges college students to come up with service projects that both create jobs and pave the way for a better future. Their project was a sustainable farming project called Rice Up. It is a program to expand farming opportunities and a food source for communities in the Phillipines and Hawaii." They won a giant trophy and $10,000 in prize money. They go to San Jose California in October for the Enactus World Cup.
My computer crashed so we had to get a new computer, and they only come now with Windows 10. They will put on Windows 7 but it really isn't compatible .. whatever that means. All to say I have spent the last hour and a half, finally getting the pictures uploaded, but now I can't find them to send them on .. next week maybe.
I called Aaron and he taught me how to do it .. So a couple of pictures. First is Ellie Gordon who is in our Institute Class. The lesson was Revelation Chapter 4 and 5 .. He asked if there was an artist, and she volunteered .. then drew as he went over the throne, the 24 elders, the four beasts, the seven servants, the lamb .. etc. pretty amazing. And it brought a nice spirit, which the pictures we had uploaded never could have.
Mike and his first taste of alligator. We both tried it - tastes kind of like chicken nuggets. We were ready to try frog legs, but they didn't have them .. maybe that is good.
Jesse had a soft shelled crab -- he said it was good - and we will take his word.
Samantha is eating a fried green tomato - they are quite good
Our creative elders -- we were doing apartment inspections which are done every transfer (6 weeks) and this is a curtain they "made themselves" in one of the bedrooms.
At church today our speaker, Brother Nance, an attorney here, told of his CES teacher when he was going to law school in Chicago. This is his teacher's story and the kind you have to hear from someone who knows it personally to believe that it is true.
His parents both died when he was young, he was an only child and no other relatives, so he bounced from foster home to foster home. He was pretty rebellious, and would run away. At age fourteen he began living on the streets, begging money to eat. One day at a particularly low time, he walked down to watch the ocean. He said he sat there a long time, looking way out across the waves and he felt completely alone, he had no one and nowhere to go. But then, this young, hardened 14 year old, said he unmistakably felt a strong comforting feeling -- You are not alone, I am here with you always.
There was one nicely dressed man that had given him money. He saw him one day and went to him again. The man pulled out his wallet, opened it, then closed it and said .. instead of giving you money, I'm going to give you a job. The boy took the address and went the next day .. his job was to read to this man's son .. a young boy his age that was dying of cancer. The book he was to read to him - what else - The Book of Mormon. One day when he was reading the sick boy began to cry. He heart still a little hardened, he didn't understand, didn't feel any compassion actually, but asked the boy why he was crying. They were reading about the resurrection. "Don't you understand," said the boy, "this means that even though I will die, I will live again."
Long story short. He continued to read the Book of Mormon to this young boy until he passed away, and was adopted by the parents. He joined the church, went on to serve a mission, graduated from college and went into the CES program.
We are so grateful for our Father in Heaven and the love He has for us, grateful for the wonderful family and friends we have been blessed with. We do love ya'all.
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